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North Devon Housing Strategy consultation

North Devon Council is inviting people to have their say on a new draft Housing Strategy, which sets out a high-level vision and objectives as to how the council plans to try and meet the housing needs and hopes of our communities.

The Housing Strategy will guide the Council's activities in delivering and discharging its housing functions and responsibilities, whilst ensuring that resources and efforts are best directed to tackle the housing challenges that the area faces. It was compiled following the publication of the Devon Housing Commission Report in July 2024, championed by Lord Best.

The draft Strategy has been prepared in full consultation with a working group of elected Members, who have been involved through a dedicated workshop and feedback sessions. It is built on a foundation of three themes:

  • Prevent Homelessness: Preventing homelessness by supporting citizens to stay in their current home if they have one, but if this isn’t possible/or they are already homeless seek to help them find alternative solutions.
  • Provide New Housing Supply: Supply new housing to meet social demand, delivering affordable & sustainable healthy homes wherever possible.
  • Make Homes Healthy: Improving the quality of existing homes making them safe and healthy, in turn making their occupants healthy too.

The Council recognises the value of gaining different perspectives and insights and therefore inviting you to submit your views. The draft strategy is available for wider consultation for a period of seven weeks from Monday 10 February 2025 to Monday 31 March 2025. 

You can view the draft strategy and find out more by visiting the Council's website at Let's Talk North Devon

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and your views and feedback are valued.

The Council is using a new IT platform for consultation and engagement and you are invited to register to be kept up to date with opportunities to have your say and get involved with shaping the future of North Devon Register | Let's Talk North Devon

Thank you for your time when the survey closes the results will be summarised and presented to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 12 May 2025.  You can find Committee agendas and reports on the North Devon Council Committee Meetings webpage.  Browse Meetings, 2025 | North Devon Council

Kind regards

The Community Engagement Team (North Devon District Council)

13/02/2025 13:09:36

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