The council makes the following legal documents available for public information in accordance with council policy.

Councillors' Registerable Interests

All Parish Councillors are required to lodge Declarations of Interest, listing all their financial interests. A summary is here provided. The original documents can be viewed by appointment with the Parish Clerk.

Register of Interests

The Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme

This act came into force at the beginning of 2005 and provides individuals and organisations with the right to request information held by a public authority. The Act obliges every public authority to adopt an approved Publication Scheme in order to make certain kinds of information routinely available to the public. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has produced a new model publication scheme that all public sector organisations must adopt from the beginning of 2009.

North Molton Parish Council (NMPC) has decided to adopt the model scheme without modification as such adoption requires no further approval from the ICO and will be valid until further notice.

As befits a very small public body which has no office or full time employees, and one seeking to keep costs and bureaucracy to a minimum, the BPC publication scheme will maintain all of its records in council minutes and on the parish website, except in other clearly stated circumstances.

June 2009

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